Sunday 14 October 2012

Cheese Ad Absurdum

I wonder who is playing the joke on whom?

Mr. Cohen, who goes around making a living by essentially trying to provoke a reaction by causing offense, in order to try and reveal a hypocrisy. But at the same time, he is living a life in devout Jewish commercialism supported by an ultimately empty comedy venture.
Maybe, it's Mr. McCool, the retail man, giving repeated monotonous answers, maintaining a level of patience achieved only through years of retail hell. At first, one can interpret that he is only able to keep calm due to the presence of a camera, but perhaps intellectually, he is trying to highlight the hypocrisy of Borat with unyielding calm, eventually killing the joke.

I'm not sure what it is, my interpretation is perhaps hindered by a self-diagnosed sleep disorder. But undoubtedly, this clip showed me a fresh viewpoint in the currently stale comedy by provocation.

Sunday 30 September 2012

Shit Spaghetti

In response to this video:

With any form of art, whether it be novels or films, there exists an 'experimental' genre which plays with the conventions of the medium. Often times, to fully appreciated, and distinguish the good from the bad, you need to be somewhat learned in the genre, and its history.

Great practitioners of experimental art is usually immensely talented. Picasso is able to paint almost picture perfect, but his talent truly shined when he started to 'experiment'. With enough prominence, experimental art moves into the mainstream, and dictates the progress of art.

I think it's dismissive to simply state that this performance piece is valueless (although it probably is). To someone like me, a plebeian, I'll just let time determine that for me. Even if i disagree, I'll still appreciate.

Great art is mostly appreciated in hindsight.

I think this'll be a great excuse if I create shit art, I'll be unapologetic.

Friday 20 July 2012

it's nice now

Art is subtle, art is opaque.
Art is worthwhile
Art is interesting

Art is vapid, art is absurd
Art is worthless
Art is dumb

Should I pursue art?